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Do you want to use our services?

Create an account

To set up an account, download the appropriate form from Forms tab and send it to: Once your customer account has been created you will receive a confirmation email. You are now free to use the services on our website. If you are interested in NGS sequencing, please contact us: .

Order the service

If you already have an account, download the appropriate form, fill it in and send it to the Laboratory after logging into your account. If you do not know which form to choose check our FAQ.

You can also add additional files (e.g. photos of agarose gels) and a comment to your order. The tubes with the DNA sample are best signed with consecutive numbers and the tubes with the primers with consecutive letters of the alphabet. The names on the tubes must be identical to those entered on the form under the headings “Sample name” and “Primer name” respectively.

Samples should be delivered to the reception desk of the Collegium Biologicum in a signed string bag with the order number or sent to our address.

Receive the results

You can collect the results after logging into your account on our website: Files are available for download for 30 days.

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